This has been a very long week.
Last Friday night, one of the kids at school (not in my class) was in a car wreck and died. He was driving to fast, while it was dark and sleeting, passing in a curve, talking on the cell, here comes a car, looses control, and a tree jumps out in front of him. Not a good thing. It only gets worse...he is about 1/2 mile from home and his mom is a responder. So, on Monday, we have faculty meeting first thing. Visitation is that night, but so is the first Parent-Teacher community outreach thing. Long, long day....
Tuesday is long as well with the funeral on that day.... but I usually stay late on Tuesday because part of that is for me!
Wednesday stuff has to get done.... stay until about 6:00 pm working on 'stuff'...
Thursday: Now this is where it gets kinda wierd. First of all, let me explain that we have a series of classrooms in my classroom. We have a kitchen, academics room, wood shop, a room for teaching work skills and an 'activity' room (it has lots of activity all the time!! LoL). So, yesterday morning, I am teaching a class and keep hearing shouting coming from the kitchen (my room and kitchen are beside each other). I go to the kitchen and see FLAMES shooting out of one of the ovens!! I began screaming for the aide to get all the kids and head out all while I'm ripping the fire extinguisher off the wall and putting out the fire! OK, here is where it begins to get messy. Yes, pun intended. Have you ever had to do a fire extinguisher? I knew it put out fires, but didn't realize how until yesterday. They take the oxygen out of the air. (cough cough... more coughing). By the time the in school fire guy got to the room, it was all out. Then, the fire dept. shows up (of course, now remember this is an all-volunteer fire dept) to see what's going on. What a hoot. After everyone leaves, I look around and begin to think it would have been easier to let it all burn! There is a coating/film of extinguisher grit ALL over the room. YUCK. But, it's almost all cleaned up now! Any volunteers to help clean are greatly appreciated!
Friday: At this point, I would like to thank Sue (Thanks, Sue!) for the new classroom cooking directions she and her son put together for us. Let me just say, they are so funny that when I read it to the class this morning we were all laughing so hard some of us couldn't get our breath! I really like the certificates for being a firefighter!! LOL They are now posted on the bulletin board for all to see!!
Just a quick reminder about Sunday.... GO PATS!
I'm ready for Friday, as well, my love. Why don't you meet me at AREA 51 for a cocktail.
I was WAYYY TOOOO READY for my weekend! So sorry to hear about the young one who's gone on....that is always so heartbreaking.
Don't think the Giant's will get this one, eh? lol
WOW! What a week! You DESERVE the weekend!
Hmm, that was enough action for two weeks at least, so maybe you should take the next five days off, huh? Those fire extinguishers...sometimes the cure is worse than the disease, right? But at least no major damage was done and you're not cooked!
I was with you on everything here, right up until the moment you said "GO PATS!"
Sorry - I'm rooting for the Giants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's hope for a good, competitive game no matter what the outcome though. I hate a boring Superbowl.
Hey, what are "friends" for if we can't help you laugh at times when you may want to cry or tear your hair out!! I just wish we could put the "Cooking 101" handbook on your blog so your other friends could see it! We thoroughly enjoyed making it for you and the rest of the staff!!!
Enjoy the Superbowl...for those of us who could care less about it, (or any other sport for that matter) rest assured my family will be watching a movie of some sort.
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