Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm spending some of my Thanksgiving vacation house-sitting in Yuppieville.  I have Shiloh (who looks like an igloo as she will be known from now on) and Raven (who isn't really raven) to keep me company. And of course, there is the hot tub which is where I'm off to in a few minutes!  That's one of the perks.

I decided on my first evening back in city life to visit one of my favorite places: Barnes and Noble!  I love B&N! The smell of coffee and new books seduced me into an almost vegetative book-lovers utopia!  I was giddy! What should I buy?  A book, which one? A magazine? naw... hhhmm... a new journal?  Oh yeah, I forgot about catching someone reading my private journal that time... skip that.....

I didn't buy anything... but, I can always go back later this week!! 

Have a good holiday and be safe while traveling! I want you around a long time! 

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Talk about having a bad day....

On the wedding day of Princess Maria Vittoria and the Duke
D'Agosta, son of the king of Italy, on May 30, 1867 the
bride's wardrobe mistress hanged herself, the gamekeeper of
the royal palace cut his throat, and the colonel leading the
procession dropped dead of sunstroke. The best man shot
himself, the registrar had a fatal apoplectic stroke, the
stationmaster was run over by the honeymoon train and the
king's aide fell from his horse and was killed.

Now, I think I would have celebrated my anniversary on either May 29 or May 31.  Or reconsidered my marriage.  Ummm 

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Iron Bowl Winner: Auburn!!!


Results are in and Auburn Tigers won the Iron Bowl. Again.   WAR EAGLE!!!

Better luck next year, Bama fans!

As we approach the week of Thanksgiving plans are being made for the upcoming festivities. Actually, this is my favorite holiday. As you know, for Christmas most people are fulfilling the whole Santa, in-laws or family obligations, checking the gift list twice to make sure everyone is covered for a gift.  Most of the time, more people are around for the relaxed Thanksgiving holiday.

When asked what to be thankful for, people will say their family, their source of incomes, good friends - both on and off line, etc.  Ok, me too...   You know, we have it pretty good most of the time. Even during the bad times, it could be worse, you know? 

This past week, I read a fellow-journaler's personal experience with 9/11.  I'm thankful he survived the horrific experience for many reasons.  He has 3 good ones.  Here's a site he shared about a girl who lost her life on Flight 93:   The Nicole Miller Memorial Site.   If you ever think you are becoming passive about 9/11, just browse through here. For those of us who are further away and less affected by all the destruction it makes it a lot more personal.  Personally, I cried and could not stop for long time.

I hope your Thanksgiving holiday is a happy memory-maker!  Be safe on your travels this week. 



Thursday, November 9, 2006

Each year our school hosts a Veteran's Day service and it is always tremendous! Veterans from past wars receive tokens of appreciation for their service. The school band plays patriotic music, the choir sings songs,poems are read, and today, one of the ROTC kids did a fine demonstration of  rifle 'tossing' (I know there is another name for it, but I have no clue what it is). 

I usually end up shedding a few tears.  Last year, I shed a lot of tears because a mom and sister of a graduate of our school attended.  They accepted a plaque honoring him. He had died in Iraq just a few months before. You could tell they were still in shock from his death.  This year, they did not attend.

I did ok until one of the ROTC kids read a poem I thought I would share with you, but I can't find it online. She may have written it, who knows.  It had a few lines like "If you participate in church, don't thank a minister, thank a veteran.  If you enjoy free assembly, don't thank a peace activist, thank a veteran...."  And the list goes on.

And then 'Taps'.  Always a tear jerker for me. I made it through ok. 

And then, they retired the flags, American, Alabama and then, I saw it. I had not noticed it before. The tears came to the surface and I couldn't hold them back any longer.  It was the POW-MIA flag.  It did me in. I started thinking about all the guys that went to Nam and were held. Although I was just a kid, I remember seeing the war on TV each night.  I remember seeing some of the POW's come home and the relief on the faces of the family while they ran to greet them.

No matter what your belief is for Korean Police Action, Viet Nam or the current war in Iraq, you need to remember the need for these guys to do what they think is the right thing to do. To serve as their country has demanded.  Isn't that what has been done since the Revolutionary War?  Can you imagine living during those times when America wasn't even established and going to war against everything you know? If it were not for those guys, we would not be what we are today. 

So, for everyone that has served in any type of service, put your life on the line as duty for this country, I thank you. 


Monday, November 6, 2006

Elections: Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver

For all you people who have elections in your states tomorrow, I'm sure you feel relieved it will be over. Not because the election is over, but because the whining and back-stabbing commercials on TV and radio will be finished, as well as the constant surge of mail.

OK, let's talk about all this for a minute.  Or two.

Mail: I don't read it guys... it goes right into the garbage can that sits next to the mailbox. It's is environmentally unfriendly and isn't that a big concern of everyone's? Well, except for yours, that is. Next time we have elections, I'm taking names, guys. Save a tree or a thousand.

Radio and TV: I'm sick of it! As a teacher, I try to teach the kids to not call each other names and to be nice.  They don't have to like each other, but you DO have to get along!  What perfect examples you politicians are.  NOT!  I'm sick of the whining about each other.  I would have sent you to ISS already! BTW, would you like cheese with that whine? (and not the good stuff either! Let's go for the cheap, processed cheese with no nutritional value!) 

Solution: Let AOL or Yahoo sponsor a chat room for these people. If we, the American public, want to see them duke it out in a chat room, that's cool. If any of you have ever ventured inside a chat room, you know within no time there are usually two or more people who have it out for each other.  I think it would be great!  They can put it on one station on tv if for those people who do not have computers (if any still exist). 

I'll just pull up a lawn chair, pop the top on my favorite beverage and watch the fun begin! 

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Crash and Burn

I think I've mentioned before how much November 1st is a complete waste of time for schools to be open. It should be declared a legal holiday. This year was no different than any other school year.  The kids get off the bus like this:


By the end of the day, they are getting on the bus like this:



I gotta tell you this little story, though.... Yesterday, one of the kids brought Trick or Treat bags for all the kids.  He wanted me to give them out for him, so as I called each one to get on the bus they got their treat bags.  As usual, I was being kinda silly with them and saying things like, 'Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet!!'.... All the kids would just gross out with their yucks and laughter.... except for one kid.  I'm saying, "Trick or Treat, smeel my feet!' His reply?  'Smell your own feet!!!' 

It took all of us adults a few mintues to stop laughing!!