Wednesday, August 1, 2007

1 DAY DOWN, 184 TO GO!! 

Working days before summer break, that is.....

Today was the first day back for teachers today. We always have 'Teacher Institute' day to welcome the teachers to the new school year. You might call it a 'kick-off'.... today's event was one of the best ones I've attended with a guest speaker from one of the local universities. His speech was filled with humorous stories that lead to points of how teachers can better serve their students. It was worth the sit.

The kids come on Monday. All 24 of them.  It's always fun the first day, yet exhausting. The kids can change so much in just nine or ten weeks. I love seeing a new level of maturity that first morning! I am lucky that I get the same kids each year until they graduate. We've already established our relationships, with the exception of the new kids coming in and only 2 of those this year!!  It's the first year since I've been teaching we are receiving fewer kids than we graduated the  year before.

As for me, I have survived day one. I am currently lying on the sofa with an iced gel pack on my surgical site after digesting two Aleve. I see more in my future.....  <grin>


Anonymous said...

WTG!!! we start the 16th


Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the coming school year! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the "back to work", but even I need to do a few things after too many days of rest. I recall as a child looking forward (yes forward) to returning to school as a change of pace from summer. Unfortunately, I even had old timers disease in those days, because after two weeks of school, I was ready for summer vacation again.


Anonymous said...

I may cry a I'm no way ready for summer to be over and I'm seeing back to school sales already!

Anonymous said...

My God, I AM OLD! I remember starting school after Labor Day. I think it took most of August to round up the dinosaurs.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

Shame on me....reading but not commenting.  By now, the first day of school is behind you and 183 to go.  Whew.  I am glad I am retired.
Now that I have been out of a classroom for thirty years, i remember the funny and wonderfult things that happened, and fewer of the frustrations.  Isn't it lucky that our memories work like that.