Tuesday, August 7, 2007

And Then, They Were There!

First day was not bad. I have had worse first days. After they left, I sat down with a few of my aides and I took 2 Aleve for my back aches. I took 2 extra pair of shoes and only changed once. I think that is a positive sign.

Now, for the second round! 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on day #1....you might want to take you Aleve with a couple of sips of my special bloody mary. It helps pass the day and it makes the people around you look better.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on this second day. My daughter uses aleve a lot. I have never tried it for my back pain. Her first teachers day was yesterday. I forgot when school actually starts. She is in GA. Helen

Anonymous said...

good luck today:) try and take the aleve early it should help. we start the 16th


Anonymous said...

Awesome news on getting through the first day of school! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, my name is Jackie also, I found when I was making a comment in someones journal, can't remember who's, now after visiting you I'm going to put you on my alert list, I find your journal very interesting. If you find time come and visit mine call Do You Remember. Oh BTW I would like to use the news quote you had about the politicians and the soldiers, email it to me if you don't mind my using it. gg/Jackie

Anonymous said...

Go Jackie! This reads like an athlete after the big game. <grin> Except you teachers should be getting their salaries.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

What's it, like 181 to go? Stock up on those Aleves!