Yep, that's what I said... only 179 days till Summer Vacation.... I really do love my job, but the first day of school and got home only 12 hours later... Well, here's how it goes:
Armed with a cup of double strength expresso, a change of shoes, and a first day of school outfit, and my lunch, the morning was absolutely CHAOTIC!! And then the parents left after about 39 minutes.... I started to change to 30, but heck, 39 is probably closer to the truth... BRB, my dinner is burning....
OK, back.... after the last mom came back in with tears streaming down her face because she just couldn't bear to little her little precious, interrupting class just one more time to give kisses, everything just kinda fell into place. That is, for the first day. (BTW, this is not a pre-school, kindergarten, or even elementary school... it is a high school.)
We have about 8 or 9 Freshman in our room this year and they are all good kids. So far. If you have ever worked with kids before, you know that's true until the next full moon or tornado is blowing down your door. Yes, I know we just had a full moon and it's still, or was last night, rather full. Doesn't count. Not at all. It's the days BEFORE the full moon that makes it all frightful. But it's ok.... I usually come of it with a few good stories....
So, why so late?? What do you think? Paperwork. I think sometimes adults need to find a hobby other than coming up with something new that needs to be counted, observed, written, re-counted, re-written, and then, just when you get the hang of it, change all the 'rules'.... bastards...
But, on another note, I really had a great day with the kids! The returning kids always change so much during the summer it's so fun to see how they have matured...
I can't wait until tomorrow!!!
*Disclaimer: The expresso and shoes made the day go much smoother. Most of the lunch is still at school in the fridge due to no time to eat it. Actually, it really was a good first day of school. Yes, I do like the kids. No, I'm not ugly to them. Well, at least as far as this goes! lol
P.S. To ST and you know who you are...... SSsssshhhhh! And thanks for the help this afternoon. It was appreciated!!!