Saturday, November 5, 2005

Southern Speech

OK....  who ever said I didn't have a southern accent was wrong.  I just took this quiz and my score is:  83% Dixie.  They also added this little question:  Do you still use Confederate money??  The answer is no.  It ain't no good!  (Yes, I know.... that's a double negative....)  What about you?  I dare you to take the quiz and post your score!!  I can't wait to see just exactly how southern or yankee you are!! 

alphaDictionary * Free English Online Dictionary




Anonymous said...

65% Dixie.  Must have been my stay in Kentucy at Fort Know and those week ends in Louisville ("LOw-vull") Will you be my doodlebug?

Anonymous said...

96% Dixie.  Is General Lee your grandfather?!