Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thank you!

I received an award this week from Jimmy over at Jimmy's Journal. I am an honorary member of his group 'Area 51' that meets at least twice a week. Jimmy makes daily weekday entries and at times, gives a weekly 'Cat Ass' award for those  in the public eye that can make you mad! Sometimes, it's just the sound of their name that will make the heckles on the back of your neck rise!

Thanks for the award, Jimmy!!  Just keep the sunflowers and Bloody Mary's rollin in!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie - I just wanted to let you know that I read and enjoy your journal, too. Jimmy's not the only game in town.

Possum S. Hemmingway

Anonymous said...

Sorry about my son's comment. He does, in fact, read your journal but lately he's been a little strange. Oh well, like father, like son. Welcome to AREA 51 !


Anonymous said...

Even while you've had the din of chaos & tribulations in your own life, I can produce several very NICE emails you have written me at times they have really counted.  You deserve this. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

Congratulations (I guess)! An Area 51 award sounds suspicious. <grin> However, you all may be able to help me. My grill cover disappeared in a storm last night. After searching in negative wind chills I have ruled out the howling winds, so I am left with alien abduction as a suspect. If you see it while hangin' in Area 51 please send it home.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! What a great award! I'm with you...Bloody Mary time!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club hon! I've got mine posted on my sidebar....ummm lower part. After all we don't want to give the impression we have totally crossed over to the other side do we? (winks) (Hugs) Indigo