Saturday, February 16, 2008

I spent the last couple of days at my Dad's. I had to take him in for another biopsy on Thursday morning. Results to be in Friday morning. However, after the conversation I had with the doc during the procedure I think the results are going to similar to those in August.

I have found out a few things about my dad because of the last couple of times he had this procedure. First, it doesn't take much to knock him out. Thank goodness he isn't a drinker. Second, when he has taken these drugs, he doesn't realize he is inhibited and limited. He gets up and walks around. NOT a good thing. After we got home, I was making him something to eat and he wonders into the kitchen. Unsteady on his feet, I told him to go back to his recliner. After a minute or two, I bring his breakfast to him only to find he is in the living room, bending over, almost falling onto the floor. He then rights himself, stumbles over his own feet, and begins falling, almost crashing his head into a piece of furniture. He lands laying on top of a table. Dang, Daddy.  He got so close to really hurting himself and not even realizing it. He kept saying he was ok..... That was when I got ugly with him.... asked him what part of 'sit down' didn't he understand??  My thoughts were, if he had hurt himself, there is no way I could have gotten him up because I am still having back issues.  He says he remembers it....

My friend, Bo, suggested I velcro him to his chair next time.  Honestly, I'm considering it....


Anonymous said...

I hope your Dad will be ok. Helen

Anonymous said...

My goodness.   Velcro certainly could be in order if the occasion arises again!   Bless his heart....and yours, too.
PS:  Praying that everything is fine with the biopsy.

Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable - this is Pop to a T! What is it about people in that circumstance? Where do they get this endless supply of energy? Holy smokes, this is a snapshot of what goes on here, so I definitely offer my sympathy.

Let me know if that Velcro works out :)

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaa ! Velcro - My Mom was the same way. In her waning years, she was worse than taking care of a toddler. She was always fun, but it drove me nuts. I guess what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Lord knows, I must have driven her nuts as a kid.


Anonymous said...

Bo may be a visionary in home health care. <grin> I took to nick naming Patti's similar behavior "Jack in the Box" syndrom. She would want to take a nap claiming she was exhausted. I would transfer her to bed and minutes later she would pop up and try to get out of bed only to fall. Lacking Bo's vision, all I could imagine for a solution was bungi cords. <grin>

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

funny how parents can be so stubborn:) have a good week


Anonymous said...

It would be funny if it didn't have serious consequences.  But...I did like your velcro joke...bless him!  

I came by a 'nudge' from Mary of Frank and Mary.  

Jeanie xxx

Anonymous said...

Scary about your dad falling....Duck Tape, he won't move until you cut him loose. Keeping your dad and you in my prayers on the smoke! (Hugs) Indigo