OK, I've thought about it today.
I was busy whinning this morning about the heat and dang, it was hot. But this afternoon, I was walking to the car thinking how wonderful it was going to be to get in the car, turn the A/C on and head home to my house that has an A/C, as well as ceiling fans. I walked into the house and it hit me. Here I am whinning about the heat and there are the soldiers in Iraq are carrying around 100 pds+ of equipment in heat worse than I experience.
And of course, there are the everyday cops. In fact, I read a cop's journal. He carries about 30+ pounds of equipment, as well as being in dark clothes. He lives in Arizona where temps hit 117 as early as April or May. I think there is about 5 minutes of temps below 80 degrees in the year. Yes, I'm sure I exaggerate. But not by much.
I will not whine about the heat any longer.... those guys really have it a lot worse than I do....
My nephew is training for deployment to Iraq at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA. Today's high 107, low 88. ... Now here in South Central Pennsylvania we had a high of 84 and a low of 59, a Shangri La. <grin>
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
My son says that he works inside a building welding(that means long sleeved shirts and a helmet plus the heat from the welding torch) where it is 30ยบ hotter than it is outside. I do send up prayers for him. So I try to keep my mouth closed about the heat except maybe quote the temp. Yes, I know those military people have it rough coping in this heat, construction workers also. I remember them all in prayer. Helen
I'm with you. No more complaining about the heat. And everytime I want to complain, I'll say a prayer for our soldiers and our other "armed forces." Great food for thought.
Ah yes, it's all about perspective, isn't it? Of course, we're all allowed to whine now and then though, regardless!
Yep i can talk here and tell everyone my feelings and yep im glad im your new young friend LOL
(((((hugs and love)))))
I don't mind the heat that much. I was in the U.S. Army 1966-71 and you kinda get used to it. I am, however, useless in the cold (except for dry Colrado cold). I never got used to southern cold. It's just like southern hot. It just sort of hangs on you.
Yes, they do have it hard.. but, hot is hot! I hate it! I certainly don't envy those poor guys, as they have no respite from that heat! God Bless them!
My grandmother used to say " Just when you think you have it bad, someone, somewhere is a lot worse off' . True, but it does make you wonder what it would of taken to elicit sympathy from our elders. Remember the " in our day, we didn't have" sentiments lol. (Hugs) Indigo
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