Finally! A Saturday that is warm enough and not raining. I cleaned out the flower bed and planted sunflower seeds, mixed flowers, elephant ears and cana lillies....
I knew I had been hearing some tweetering in the mornings, but wasn't sure where it was coming from. I found two little babies looking over the side of a nest... probably wanting a big juicy worm! I found plenty in the flower bed when I was cleaning it out, but momma bird needs to be the one to feed them!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Those canna lilies will spread like crazy. Each year by flower bed grows with those things. They sure are pretty, thought. Sounds like you are going to have a very pretty summer. (We have bird feeders all around my yard so we can watch the birds. I like that.)
What a great Saturday...digging, fooling around, and discovering the little birds. Outstanding.
it was to cold here:) rainy brr maybe by moms day:) enjoy your sunday
hi there, I wanted to drop by and see how you're doing. Keep those baby birds safe, now, will ya?
Great weather for tinkering in the yard. Mowed my lawn for the first time! Sunflowers rock!
I need you down this way planting me some flowers. Those are going to be so pretty, Thta bird and nest are so sweet. I love birds and butterflies which you should have plenty of when those flowers come up and start blooming. Helen
Love that little bird peeping it's head out of the nest ~ and the wall that will look lovely when the flowers come through ~ hope you weekend is going well ~ Ally
Loved your pictures, Jackie! You have such a beautiful yard, and how cute the baby bird was!! :) Thanks for sharing the picture!
I had a starling build her nest in one of my hanging plants on the side porch last year. Loved watching the chicks hatch, up to the eventful take off. I'm hoping to finish getting my garden cleared out and ready in the next few days. (Hugs) Indigo
Hi Jackie - I've always had little critters of some sort. God sorta appointed me to the position of animal rescuer and children's guardian. I applied for the position of ladies man, but he said I wasn't qualified. That's ok, I'll stick with the kids and critters.
I missed most of Saturday due to a late Friday, but I catching up now checking out the journals. Stay Tuned !
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