Today, a high school in the same county where I teach, but different system went into lock-down. Phone calls from a kid said he was going to 'shoot-up' the school. And if that isn't bad enough, one of the women that I work with in my classroom has a daughter and a nephew that attends that school.
After the tragedy that occurred in Virginia this all hit home just a little to close. This same school had a fire about 1:30 on Sunday morning in the school gym. It was a questionable fire and now, of course, we are wondering if the kid that threatened to shoot up the school had something to do with it.
I don't know if they have caught the kid.
Daughter and nephew were checked out and they are fine (It took over an hour before being checked out because all the parents were there getting their kids.)
This is just a little close to home.... Heck, it's to close if it happens at any school....
Scary stuff.....
Very scary. Chances are the idiot who did that was just wanting to capitalize on the VA tragedy's publicity...but irregardless, the kid needs help whether he was seriously planning to attack or not. Very scary indeed.
The numbskull who made this call needs to be caught, and then have a serious punishment inflicted. There is no room for "understanding" here. Any idiot who would do this has to know that it's a horrible thing to do, no less create a hoax.
What a shame
Scary indeed! You all who work in education should not be 'on the front lines'. Thank you for standing tall through all this.
Heavens! Half the time it's those copy cat things that happen. Someone with a few fries short of a Happy Meal, reads about the noteriety that another nut case is getting, and decides he wants his 15 minutes of fame too! :/
The sad thing is.. it can happen in any school. It's a shame that we can't feel safe anywhere.. anymore!
You always get copy-cats in a situation like that. Hope the responsible kid gets a right talking-to.
It's heartbreaking to say the least. Even if this student wasn't serious and it was a hoax........He needs some serious help. How can someone be so insensitive to others this way? We need to stop sensationalizing these acts of violence. Perhaps if it did not garner the publicity it does, more wouldn't attempt the ignorant , stupidity just for those few moments of shame not fame. (Hugs) Indigo
That stuff is going on all over the place, isn't it? Nuts coming out of the woodwork. I think they are trying to capitalize on the VA tragedy, and probably wouldn't do anything for real. But we can never be too careful. Hopefully the perp is caught and taught a very vaulable lesson!
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