Monday, December 26, 2005

The Day After Christmas

The day after Christmas and all through house,

Not a creature was stirring, not even that little mouse!

I waited with patience, I waited with self discipline,

I waited until I knew what would be my des-a-tine!

I jumped in the car and away I went,

I rolled into the parking lot, not thinking of money to be spent!

As I walked, and  I looked,

I should have known, I was hooked!

I found a little of this, a little of that,

What did I need?  Not shoes, wallet or hat!

It was all right there, all on sale,

I just couldn't find a thing, it all looked stale!

I left with a bag of salad, a small amount of grapes,

I didn't even look at the rack of tapes!

I checked out of the store and into the car I would pour,

I laughed when I left, I could stand it no more!

As I drove away, and then, out of sight,

I yelled 'Turkey salad is the dinner tonight!'     


Happy Day After Christmas!! 

Disclaimer: Does it really have to make a lot of sense??  It's poetic justice!! 







Anonymous said...

wonderful journal!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...