Monday, December 19, 2005


Sometimes, I think life just passes me by.  What is all this about the issue of a politically correct Christmas??   I know, I know.... it is an issue and don't be mistaken when I say I can complain and have a fit just as well as the next person.  (No, I don't like it and you know, I really don't understand it, hence, the life passing thing...)  Here's the thing:  I'm just not in the mood to complain about it right now.  I sat down to write some big long whining thing, but heck NO!  I refuse to let those few people that are trying to change the spirit of my (and your) Christmas!!  Get out there people!!  Sing the old songs as loud as you can!  Sing them until you have no voice left!!  Tell EVERYONE you see MERRY CHRISTMAS and if they don't like it, they can just get over it.  I mean, what are they going to do?  Turn you into the Christmas PC Cops?  Well, maybe..... but just remember this.... IT'S YOUR HOLIDAY, PEOPLE!  You can call it whatever you want as well as those guys that are complaining about it....  We should let them be the ones that are politically incorrect....  Think about it....

OK, I didn't really whine.  I just made a couple of statements.  Now, I'm going to take a nap! 

Oh yeah, I forgot, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I visited your website today for the first time... I really enjoyed your journal. I will be back... MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.