Thursday, July 3, 2008

And the good news is...

The buddy list re-appeared! Now the screen is balanced once again!

Yesterday's entry was so grim I forgot to add that my co-teacher is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy, weighing in at 7.13 & 21"!! Sawyer was born yesterday afternoon (July 2) at 1:40....  If he is anything like his dad, he'll be playing Auburn football in about 18 years! WAR EAGLE!

That's all for now!


Anonymous said...

Glad you have your Buddy List back ~ :o) ~ Congratulations to your co~teacher on the birth of his baby son "Sawyer" ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Jackie, every time I don't check your journal it seems the earth upheaves. My thoughts are with you about Chuck.

As for buddy lists, I would be dancing if mine went AOL. IM's freak me out and the list always seems like some looming privacy violation. But to each their own.

And as for ice cream flavor. I personally have no favorite but with 40+ to choose from I am always mystified when Patti & Megan pick the same one. I am the kind of person who always orders the daily special.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick