Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Computer stuff: MIA

OK, there are just a few things tonight. Should I list them??  Probably. I'm good at that.

1. Chuck passed away last night. At least he isn't suffering anymore, but I'll miss his entries, that's for sure. 

2. Not long ago, I mentioned Adobe Flash Player won't load. It still won't load and I've done everything except take a baseball bat to the memory cards. That might be next.   

3. I lost my buddy list. I mean, it's just totally gone. Not that it's a huge thing, but it did fit just perfectly on the right side of the screen and made a perfect balance with the AOL Welcome when it's all tucked in. I've searched for it and can't find it. It's MIA and there is nothing up on the tool bar anymore that says, "Hey Jack-Ass, here I am!"

If you find it, please return it ASAP.  

4. You always hear about 'Hot-Flashes'.... does anyone out there suffer from 'cold-flashes'? You know the ones. They kinda creep in on you, make you feel like you're in a deep-freeze. For hours. In the summer??? WTF??  

5. At the end of May, I ordered 'Bundled Services' from Charter Communications. I have had both internet and cable with them for years. I've always had great service from them, limited interruptions, etc. Up until I added the additional services. Cable/phone/internet has all been a real pain in the asp since June 11. Part and really, most of the reason you've not heard from me so much lately. I have had 4 different guys come out and try to figure out why I keep dropping calls (and no, it doesn't have anything to do with cold-flash!)  And today, a new guy. I was glad to see him driving a Charter truck and not a flunky-service on retainer.  I also told them to get rid of the direct line to the Philippines and India. These poor people just can't understand the phrase, "Fix it or get your shit outta my house!"     


And now, for a much better list:

1. Monday, I'll be making a trip to TN to see "Dr. Bobby: Computer Proctologist" to take care of #3 & #4 from above.  He is my favorite doctor for many reasons. One, he won't be practicing proctology on me.  

And second, he is my longest-friend person I know!     I might need someone to hold my hand...

2. The Charter guy that came out today said for sure the problem wasn't in my wiring. It's coming from the road. He also said he reported it. We'll see how long it takes to get repaired, or those international lines will be heating up! 



Anonymous said...

Other than that, how do you feel? I hate it when my comp takes a dump. I'm easily stumped when everything's okay. Imagine when it takes a dump.


Anonymous said...

I will miss Chuck also. Jackie go to keyword and type in buddy list and see if it comes up. I hope you get you internet up and going soon from Charter. Helen

Anonymous said...

I lost my Buddy List yesterday ~ but it is back again today ~
Such Sad news about Chuck ~ Ally x