Saturday, July 12, 2008


As many of you might know, I am a reader of Jimmy at Jimmy's Journal. Jimmy makes daily entries with the exception of the weekend (He is usually re-couping from his Friday night antics.... ooopppsss... did I type that out loud?? ) However, during the week, readers have been encouraged to nominate people for the CAT award (you need to read his journal for specifics) for those lovely people who screw up. ROYALLY, that is. Just recently, I read his journal about a man who, looking out for his neighbor, decided to at least wound these would-be robbers. And I nominated this man for the TAC award. The only problem is, there wasn't a TAC (Thanks Alot Citizen) award. Until now. It came into view yesterday with the first awards being myself and Rose of 'Roses are Read'.

And now, I would like to thank Jimmy for the award by sending him a southern salute!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug (the check's in the mail). Actually, a deserved award for the intellect you always display. I wonder if your school really knows what an asset they have.

To top it off, a very fine salute from my pals at Hee Haw. I miss Junior Samples.


Anonymous said...

VERY well deserved!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! If there was such an award, YOU deserve one for the best quotes in a sidebar. <grin>

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick