First, I'd like to thank Mary for arranging the surprise birthday 'party' for Charlie! I truly enjoyed reading each and every comment left by all of you.
I've not really told many people here in J-Land about Charlie, but I've decided to share a few things about him today.
He was the most perfect child for me! Even though he had so many medical issues, his personality shone through the darkest hour. The smiles you saw in his pictures are truly the way he was during his whole life... never seeing 'color' or wealth (or lack of it...). He was friendly and loving with everyone he met. One day while we were at the local Barnes & Noble, he chased down a man, wheeling his miniature wheelchair just up to the man. The man would move away, Charlie would move closer. No, he would not hear of leaving this poor guy alone. Finally, I told this man if he would please just shake his hand, Charlie would be satisfied. Surprised, the man shook Charlie's hand. Smiling as if he had found the cure for cancer, Charlie turned the tiny wheelchair around and left him alone. I've often wondered if the man ever thinks of that moment.
He was born with spina bifida, had to have a shunt, a paraplegic, was MR, and at 4 years old, had a Wilm's Tumor diagnosed and had to have chemo. He had 24 surgeries and was hospitalized 28 times. He was the bravest person I've ever known. At birth, I was told he probably would never live past six months. He lived to be fourteen and a half. His body just simply shut down.
Reflecting on all he had to endure, I think he did excellent! Our life together was not perfect by any means. Due to his disabilities, the two of use were forced to live extremely simple. We had all we needed and I always tried to make sure Charlie had all he wanted. Even his wants were simple. A hamburger and milk from McDonald's or Krystal, watching Andy Griffith, Price is Right, In the Heat of the Night or his favorite, Jeopardy or going for a ride after I got home from work.
During his last six months, I watched him both develop into being his own person, and yet, watching his little body (only about 40 - 45 pounds) deteriorate at the same time. I will always be grateful for having had him as the one person, besides my parents, that influenced me the most. The work I presently do now is because of having had Charlie in my life. I've often wondered what my life would have been like if I had not had him and I don't think I would enjoy it as much as I do now.
Again, thank all of you for helping me celebrate his life!