Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An invitation... of the aged...

Well, it's official. I thought the nice people would at least wait until the big 5-0 hit. Nope, it's here, 17 months early.

"What", you might be asking yourself, "are you talking about?"

Birthday card? nope  Lottery? nope.....

An invitation to join AARP!!!!


Anonymous said...

I remember when I got my first invitation. I thought, 'this is for old people' and now I R one. I still didn't join, just for spite.


Anonymous said...

lol at least they are prompt haha


Anonymous said...

LOL.   I have a few years yet.    Hubby got one and joined though....I think he likes it.

Anonymous said...

It gets worse...just wait until some smart aleck young clerk gives you (without asking) a senior discount!!

Anonymous said...

There are soooo many of us beautiful people these days that the AARP invitation is almost as annual a mailbox event as Publisher's Clearng House and the lure of the "PCH Prize Patrol". <grin>

Anonymous said...

They are ruthless! Reminds me of turning 35 and finding a summary in my mailbox each year after of how much Social Security I have coming to me, more so if I worked until I was 70. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Great organization...but what we need is an AAMAP (American Associaion of Middle Aged People) and an AAYAP (American Associaion of Young Adult People). These groups could use discounts when shopping and representation with Congress too.  Middle Aged and Young Adults just need to organize.