I got the following quote in an e-mail. Although timely, I had to stop and consider how appropriate it is at the present. I know war means deaths in the trenches, as I know there are all kinds of views on the Iraq war. Think about how you might feel if it were someone you know... ... just something I wanted to share...
"It doesn't require any particular bravery to stand on the floor of the Senate and urge our boys in Vietnam to fight harder, and if this war mushrooms into a major conflict and a hundred thousand young Americans are killed, it won't be U. S. Senators who die. It will be American soldiers who are too young to qualify for the senate." G.M.
How true! I think we should send the senate and congress over to fight and see how hard it is on the soliders we have. enjoy your week
Wrap Bush and Cheney up and deliver them first class to the front lines of the Iraq war. Guarantee you the war would be over within minutes. (Hugs) Indigo
I agree with the quote, but I also think it holds true for so much that Americans(not to say this doesn't happen in other countries, but I am not there to experience it), not just pols, EXPECT. We want a damn lot, & it comes at a price. I listen to people say cops suck. Really, who do you call when someone breaks into your home? Doctors make too much money. Gee, I wasn't feeling that when they saved my Dad's life. Garbage is never picked up on time. Ok, do you do everything ALWAYS on time? Teachers aren't doing a good enough job, so our kids aren't learning. Are parents doing their job?
We b*tch or WANT but don't put ourselves in anothers place. ~ Mary
Although it's not really difficult to understand the concept, life is like a poker game. You have to play the hand you're dealt. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to die in a conflict, but sometimes you do what you have to do.
This doesn't mean one has no right to an opinion. It merely means that one shouldn't shoot from the hip. Walk a mile in another person's shoes before you comment on his life.
I love it when some jerk gets up to tell you about war when he couldn't even pass the boy scout's exam. You rarely see Senator Soandso's son serving on any front line in any conflict. It just doesn't happen.
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