Thursday, July 26, 2007

Television: Now and Then

I was reading a fellow J-land journal and began making comments that I eventually deleted because I thought the comments would make a rather better journal entry. I've been negligent in making journal entries this summer. When school was in, I remember thinking, 'I can't wait till summer!! I'll make entries almost every day!' Nope, didn't happen. 

The subject was remembering when Kennedy was shot. I remember watching the funeral on a neighbor's television because, at that time, we did not have one. I don't remember when Dad and Mom did finally get one. I do think it was shortly after that (You have to remember, I was a mere tot. <grin>)

At this point, you may be asking yourself whatever did we do with all our free time if we didn't have a television? My mom used to take me places such as the library and to the city park. I do remember going both of those places with her. I don't remember going any where with my father except to church on Sundays, and of course, Mother was with us as well. At that time, there were no stores open on Sunday. There were only a few restaurants open and you had better put gas in your car by Saturday night if you getting low because very few gas stations were open. However, I digress...

I remember a few summers when we did not have television. That was the time when I learned to read for pleasure. What a concept! Schools are going bonkers to get kids interested in reading. Why should they when there are so many other ways to be entertained. With televisions, computers, MP3 players, travel DVD players, and other assorted technology available, why would you want to read? It doesn't 'do' anything and you have to put forth a little effort if you don't understand the meaning of a word.

Although I have a few televisions placed around the house, I still prefer to read a novel of choice. It calms me. It takes me 'away' from the stresses of life. Perhaps, I am one of few that can skip television for other pleasures. I wonder........

I wonder:  Do parents still read to their kids?  Do parents limit their TV-Computer-DVD-time?  Do parents take their kids to the library on Saturdays?


Anonymous said...

my free time is spilt reading and puter and family lol have a good weekend


Anonymous said...

I read a good bit but very seldom watch TV. Helen

Anonymous said...

I try to keep the TV-DVD-Video game time reasonably limited because there's no substitute for physical activity, aka playtime. Movement is good. I like to see my kids riding bikes and things like that.

I'm grateful for school summer reading programs because it makes Daddy seem a little less insane for insisting on the occasional opening of a book!

Good food for thought here.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for J K Rowling. The summer release of her Harry Potter series reintroduced summer reading. I read to our daughter every night until she insisted upon reading to me. <grin>
TV I always fought however it was one of the few things our daughter and my wife could share together because of my wife's MS. Now video games I embraced and enjoyed playing together. I guess we fell into the philosophy of 'all things in moderation'.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

Well...heheh...I wasn't born with Kennedy was shot, but I can relate well to what you have written here.
>I've hardly made journal entires this summer
>We had "blue laws" that made it illegal to open retail stores on Sunday
>I vaguely remember a TV, which my dad removed from the house by the time I was in first grade and we didn't get another one until I (the youngest of 5) was in the 7th grade.    I rarely watch TV now.
>Parents do still read to their children...some of them, anyway.   And you can usually tell right away by the creativity and imagination the child has.   I don't think the library is used enough by children or adults!