Monday, July 16, 2007

AAaaaawwww, Monday! AAAaaaaaaaaaaawwww, mid-July already?  Geezzz... just yesterday it was only June!  In just a few (even shorter) weeks, it'll be Aug 6 and the kids will be getting off the school buses. Hard to believe!

Today's entry by blog-buddy, Jimmy, down in FL, tells his version of 'Marriage the Jimmy Way.' I, too, have a marriage tale. I was married about 5 minutes. (well, not really, but out of the whole scheme of life, yeah...). It was just long enough to get pregnant and to find out even though ex liked to 'dress' me in black & blue. I highly disagreed. Hence, five minutes later, divorced. Sometimes, but not often, someone will tell me about seeing ex. My response? Dang, you mean he is still alive?  Ok, that's the Reader's Digest version and also, a much more cheerful version.

Just a couple of fashion tips from someone who is not on the fashion police force. I may speak out of turn, but I think it's worth mentioning. First of all, never, never wear bright colored underwear under a white outfit. Especially if you are very tan or a person of color. Second, if you are wearing something that somewhat favors overalls, please wear a shirt with them. Especially if you are a woman and not at the nude beach!

You guys have a good week!


Anonymous said...

Hey!!  Your 5 min. marriage sounds AMAZINGLY like mine.   His name wasn't Mike, was it??    
Ewww on the fashion "statement" you musta had to endure today.  lol

Anonymous said...

LOL a nice mix of the sad, the not-so-sad and the funny. I'm just happy to know you're not still involved with the balck&blue designer.
You have a good week too.

Anonymous said...

Your black & blue marriage sounded pretty much like most of my life. Now I'm dressing in rainbows (winks) gotta read my latest for that one to make sense lol!
(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Never been married. Don't have kids. Hate overalls ;-). ~ Mary

Anonymous said...

Jackie, sorry to read of your painful "5 minutes" of marriage. I guess I naively assume all guys are raised with the same 'John Wayne code of behavior', and to hit a lady is unthinkable. To read otherwise must have been a real life horror movie. Glad you escaped.
    As for fashion, well, if it's clean then it's wearable. <grin>
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

My fashion vote is different.... bright colors under whites... okay.. shows what's under.
Not only that... white swim suits.. okay.... and even though they get transparent when wet..well, so much the better.
As for bib overalls with nothing under...bravo... especially the side view for those well endowed ladies.
As for what I, a male, wear... well, that is not important...but probably not passable by the fashion police.

Anonymous said...

The previous comments sums up my thoughts, except for the male fashion author. I would hope that most people would get a vague idea of the do's and don'ts simply by watching the reactions of the galleries when they parade their "fashions". If they don't get it after two or three times, we must relegate them to the field of future CAT Award winners!

Tell Mr. 5 Minute Macho that he should plie his wares on men first to see what the potential results would be !  
