Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Father's Day went very well. Dad and I had lunch together, just barely beating all the other 'church folk' to a little restaurant that is older than me. Afterwards, we did a couple of things together and had a great time together!

I've been going to the chiropractor (he specializes in non-surgical procedures) a couple of times a week and I've been successfully getting feeling back in calf and foot. I've been (almost) faithful in doing all the exercises. I have a mental block about having back surgery that deals with the spinal cord. Chalk it up to having way to much experience with paraplegic issues to know what could happen!

I'm up in Tennessee at the moment spending time with my cousin. Hence, "Town Talk" on the radio. It's a call in show where anyone can call in and discuss (for a short time) any subject you want. So far this morning, I've heard prayer requests for loved ones, opinions about the attention Paris Hilton has gotten, the joys of a new, 'cute, little' Wal-Mart located somewhere (I missed that part), and who-saw-who-where.  All in all, it makes where I live seem up-town.

Any-who.... very little rain around here(actually, at home). For the month of June, we have received less than 1/2" of rain and we are 19" below the yearly normal. I have a feeling we won't catch up this year. George W. flew into the area last week to have a short tour of the local TVA nuclear plant and to see the damage the drought has caused. My friend, Bo, made a picture of Air Force 1, but it isn't a great picture or I would post it. I might anyway after I get home.

Everyone take care and be safe where ever you are!!


Anonymous said...

Man, don't we need some rain!    I hope you're enjoying your TN stay....I do like to visit TN, there are so many nice places to visit.    Can you believe GWB didn't even come visit me while he was in town??  

Anonymous said...

Glad that you and your Dad had a good Father's Day. That is great that your foot and calf are doing better. Enjoy your stay in TN. Yes it is still hot and dry here in Bama. There is a radio show here in Anniston similiar to what you are talking about. Ken listens to it a lot while he is out and about on his job. Helen

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were out of town. Glad to see you're feeling better. How's my friend, Pogo? I've been to Tennessee quite a few times and I like it. I've been mostly around Bristol and Johnson City, but I do recall going to Lookout Mountain.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady,

Just wanted to pop by and get "reacquainted"! Glad you had a nice Father's Day, and that you're having a nice visit. I hope that the rain in TX doesn't move to your area and catch you up on rainfall in one shot!

Take care, and be well :)


Anonymous said...

It's neat to be where you can pop over to another state for a day or two.  Neat to see the President's plane too.  I once saw an earlier Air Force I when Jerald Ford came to my town campaigning.  He wasn't re-elected though.

Anonymous said...

A 'mental block' about back surgery, sure makes sense to me. Glad to hear your time with Dad went well. I love the sound of the radio station, too bad it doesn't broadcast over the Internet. <grin>
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick