Saturday, January 20, 2007

My, my... the times... they are a-changing!

A great change hit this country in the late 70's and many of you remember it.... heck, I think most of you do... With exception of a few left-overs from the 60's, most everyone was going to the disco on Friday and Saturday nights. I remember walking through the clubs smelling cigarettes, pot, spilled drinks and perfume mixed with human perspiration (what a mix!).... and seeing people dancing, snorting coke, making out and sometimes, having sex.  Personally, I can't remember when I went clubbing last, but I'm sure most people are not that open with their personal (and illegal) habits these days (I'm not living with my head in the sand... I know stuff goes on,.. it's just not as open as it once was). Why the flash-back? Radio is on... and they are playing a lot of the music from that era. Plus, just had call from friend that ask (just out of blue) if I remember when you could smoke in movie theaters, ashtrays on desks in college, and smoking court in high school. Yep, I remember smoking court in high school... break was 10:00-10:15 and all my friends met outside the yellow section even if they didn't smoke. Seems so odd now, doesn't it?    Strange how times change.....

Oh yeah, and drinking age here was 19... they changed it to 21 the year I turned 21. How convenient for me.....  

I remember when it first hit me how different the world had changed at that point. I met Jerry Rubin (from Chicago Seven) in '78 or '79 and he was dressed in an Armani suit and drinking Perrier. Funny. Funny odd, not funny ha ha... well, maybe a little ha ha at that time.

AAAaaaahhh, Roller Coaster is on... always liked that song....  I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers version, too...

Tell me what you remember from the late '70's....



Anonymous said...

Funny...don't remember any specifics from seventies.  and, alas, turned off the music before it finished.  what a stick ij the mud.  Had a 75 ford...must have done something in seventies.  Oh, yes, separated in 76... I should have remembered that.  Taught my classes and flew my little airplane. Sold one house, bought another.  Was a busy time, wonder why I couldnt remember

Anonymous said...

I was a little young to be doing much in the early 70's, but I remember the latter half being silly. We thought we were so cool, and we created a generation that prays to God that our children never see our photos from those days, lol!

I remember disco.
I remember hideously smarmy TV shows.
I remember people being happy a lot. Pot? Or worse?
I remember incredibly bad hair styles.


But those were some fun times, huh?

Anonymous said...

I walked into, and then out of, one disco on a Friday or Saturday night. I guess I was one of those "left-overs from the 60's". <grin> Though I must confess I did actually spend a night inside Studio 54, but that was business and doesn't really count. ... I had to smile about smoking in high school, I joined the cross country track team specifically so I could smoke. <grin> Coach was clueless but always excited at the size of our cross country team. Bottom line was we all lined our socks with cigarettes and matches and as soon as out of sight of school we just lit up and puffed our way along the course until back to school. <grin> Team practice substitued for gym class and became our smoking period each day. ... I too met Jerry Rubin, but in '71 and very different image. I wonder if we couldn't substitue Rubin for Bacon in the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game? <grin>

Anonymous said...

To chasferis who can't remember much from the 70's...too many drugs perhaps?!!!