Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just a few thoughts...

Nothing much going on these days. Well, except the cold and my blog-buddy Kev couldn't appreciate my cold because heck, he lives in Alaska! He's been having sub-zero weather for a while now. The only reason it's a big deal for me is that on Saturday afternoon, I put on my shorts (yes, shorts) and trimmed bushes because it was 70-ish degrees. Was 70ish Sunday too... but Monday, the high was 33-ish. I bet those bushes are wishing they still had their limbs! It's just hard on the ole body to screw around with the temps like that!

I was really glad to find those two boys were found this past weekend! I know their parents are just tickled about it too, cause I saw both families on Oprah today. Didn't waste anytime bringing the ratings in, did she? What is really funny (funny-odd, not funny haha) is I never watch Oprah, but yesterday came home early, turned that station on and saw she had already done the interviews with the families and one of the boys. So, rushed home today to watch. I really hate it for the boys..... only thing is, just glad it happened somewhere besides the south. We always seem to get the redneck bum rap for some stuff... You know it... You've seen Jerry Springer....

Anywho... Hope everyone is safe and warm tonight!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am definitely confused by the weather pattern, which up until the last 2 days has been virtually spring-like. I am not going to complain!

On another note, I find it remarkable how quickly the media turn everything into ratings schemes. People barely get time to breathe before they're plopped in front of a camera somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Dear Teacher Jackie,
    Didn't the kidnapping happen in Missouri? Isn't Missouri a "Southern" State? Like Alabama, it has a star on the old flag of the Confederacy. <grin> ... Hey! I'm with you these wacky temps are driving us all batty and geography topsy turvy. <grin>

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was a Confederate state for just short while, but never really was controlled by the confederacy. After a while it was exiled. So, yes and no.... It really isn't considered a southern state. Most people think of southern states as AL, TN, MS, GA, N/S C.....    You are really quick!!  <grin>

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I should have said, 'The Deep South'.... <grin>

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Jerry Springer doesn't get inspired to explore "southern redneck geography" <grin> anyway isn't he dancing with the stars these days?? <grin>  ... GREAT bumper sticker in your side bar! Stay warm or cool whatever the upside down weather may bring.