Many mornings I ramble through the house between the hours of 2 and 5... usually various reasons. Mostly? Just can't sleep, house is to warm, bathroom, thirsty, stress are the usual culprits. My alarm clock tells me each weekday morning it is time get up at 5:40 and 5:50 (I need the 5:50 if I've rambled around to long in the middle of the night <sigh>). This morning is different. It is Saturday morning and the alarms are turned off (thank goodness! I hate that screaming sound of 'WAH WAH WAH WAH, etc." and yes, I know I could use the radio section of my alarm clock, but the point it to WAKE up... I would (and have) just sleep right through if I have been wandering around during the night)
I am awake because the house is to stuffy. I decided to open a couple of doors for a breeze when I noticed the most beautiful sights outside. Moon glow. Not the song. The view. Shadows on the lawn because of the moon. Light from above so beautiful and pure. Brighter than the new morning sun when it first peaks through the horizon. And it's cool just as fall should be. Time to curl up on the couch with my napping blanket.
Just came in from a moonbath myself. Beautiful, but too chilly to stay out long. Only here, I have (1) get into the powerchair, (2) search through the halls to find a care giver and tell her I am going outside, so the door annunciator on her walkie talkie doesn't make he think we are being invaded (3) go out and enjoy the moonlight until the chill drives me in, (4) unlock the door and enter (5) go tel the care giver I am back,
A rigamarole like that is enough to keep you inside at night.
But the full moon was gorgeous.
The snuggie blanket sounds like a good idea...and so does bed.
I hope you found some peace and quiet and the warm glow of the moon.
Strange how that works. If you hadn't gotten up then you would have slept through the moon glow.
Hmm, no matter how much we're deprived of sleep, there's nothing like a good old NAP to help make it better. I have to go look for my napping blanket now...
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