Monday, October 23, 2006

Autumn Has Arrived

Autumn has made an appearance in the Tennessee Valley. Last week the temps were jumping around like crazy with one day being 87 and the next mid-60's.  This morning the temp outside was 34 according to DeeDee and whomever her current radio partner is. The central heat was set on 55 and the dang thing came on! I knew it was going to be cold then! 

Just got off the phone with cousin that now lives in Tennessee. I'm taking a half-day off, go pick up my mom and we are going to head up there to see family down from Ohio that is visiting.  Should be fun.... 

Rest of the week? Wednesday, Special Olympic Volleyball game at school and one of the clubs at school is giving our kids a Halloween Party on Friday afternoon.  Actually, I think the politically correct term is Autumn Festival.  I don't do politically correct very well and let's face it, not many of those kids are going to come dressed like a scarecrow!  I'm going to dress as myself and be the witch they think I am.  I don't even have to dress for the occassion! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, I love the last part about not doing politically correct too well.  Go as a witch, you'll be my hero!

Happy Autumn
