Monday, June 5, 2006

I Screwed Up... Again

No excuses really.  Well, kinda do have one.  I had a little surgery last week and that has my brain on recovering I guess.  But I knew this day was coming... even when I started feeling better.  Dang.  OK, you must have figured it out... I'm pissed off at myself!!  Here's what happened:

The last week of school, I worked like a trojan to get all the work completed.  Didn't happen of course.  The next Monday was a holiday and I couldn't get onto campus (and to be honest, didn't want to be there alone, especially after the teacher not far from me was murdered on campus one evening), so, I didn't work that day.  Next day, had told one of my students I would take him to get his driver's license and it took ALL DAY.  We got there about 8:30-8:45 and we walked out with the license at 4:15. The next morning, I went in and worked for hours and finally completed everything that had to be completed, shipped, rearranged, etc. I got it all on the 'pony' (tranportation for inner office stuff) by 3:00 and left.  Next day, I had surgery scheduled, and got home Friday afternoon just as out of life as can be!  Thanks to modern day medications, I have basically been out of it for several days.  This evening, I remembered classes began today and I had signed up for an online class... I just breeze right to my school e-mail account and find I was supposed to have an online orientation class tonight!! Only about an hour before I had signed on!  Geez Jackie.... Couldn't you have put the brain in gear a little earlier??  I also found out, I have 2 assignments due on June 11 AND I have to have the book. 

Now, I pause here to insert a little tid-bit of information. 

 Point 1:I did go to the bookstore to purchase the book the day I paid for my class and they were out of them.

Point 2: RARELY have I ever used any of the textbooks and thought nothing else of really needing one for this class.  Besides, after the first class I could always run over to the campus bookstore and get the stupid thing.  Can't do any running right now.  Heck, I'm not even allowed to drive! 

OK, so what is a good student supposed to do?  Who the hell knows.... but here is what I did.....  I e-mailed the professor and begged for mercy (I bet this is the kind of thing that turns them on, you know?).  Gave a little back ground information about me (can do spit shine on them patent leathers you're wearing, Ma'am)  Ordered the book from the bookstore and paid out the wha-ho for next day delivery.  (wonder if the prof will check on that?)

As a remaining bit of info.... I will be so glad when this school cr*p is over.   And what is the class you ask yourself?  Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Area   It's not the first, or even the third reading/writing class I've taken, but more like the 5th or 6th....If I ain't ner gud at it now, eye ain't ner gun a be, if'n u no wut i mean.    

OK, the whining session is over.  Thanks for your patience and kind words... at least from the ones out there that have a tender heart for all the public school teachers in the world.... I know there is one, maybe two that doesn't have a kind word to say. (you know who you are!  lol)

Updates will occur during the next couple of months, I'm sure..... 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a tough battle right there.  Hope the pain and surgery procedure are getting better day by day.  

Anonymous said...

If anyone dwsrves a little whine right now, it is you.  I cannot imagine your even tackling a class this summer.  At least it is an online one.  Rest a lot between assignments.  Do you do any creative writing...or writing ABOUT creative writing?

Should be fun once you feel like tackling it.