Wednesday, August 27, 2008

And the good news is...

I tried to drink a glass of wine tonight. It didn't work well. My face felt like it was on fire and it still does. I poured it out.

The kids have not disappointed us in the way of entertainment this year. Some really funny ("The bad (insert name here) is here and doesn't give an ape I'm not gonna say that other word!") and some not ("Go straight to ISS, do not pass go, do not collect $200") so funny. It's only week three and 165 days to go. I've never counted down this early before.

Yep, Daddy is talking about getting married. He has not asked her, but the date is February 14 and will be a church wedding. They have now been dating for all of 4 weeks. I told him it doesn't sound like he will have to ask, she has already decided. He has said she is already making plans to re-do the house, move all my mom's stuff out and wants the house when he dies. After asking questions he didn't have any answers for, I suggested he go see an attorney prior to saying, "I do". I even volunteered to go with him. 'Nuf said about that. My sister is coming over from Georgia this weekend. It will be interesting to say the least.

Danged wine. Just when you need it....


Anonymous said...

I really should send C over there. She did a great job of getting rid of her dad's gf ;O.  
Maybe make it a wine spritzer? Go down easier?
I think it is fine for your Dad to do what he wants with his life & his money, but after 4 weeks, well, it just doesn't seem like his decision.....just one he will go along with. I'd be very curious to find out why he would go along so easily with this.  ~Mary

Anonymous said...

Wow, your Dad's kinda scary. Before he goes wading into unknown waters, I suggest he let his "bride-to-be" go in first.


Anonymous said...

I hope your Dad doesn't rush into this.  It sounds like he does need some sound legal advice, and I hope he gets it.  Hope your school year passes quickly!  My sister who has been teaching for about 23 years now told me basically the same thing -- that she's counting down the days until winter break!  lol

Anonymous said...

If he has only known her 4 weeks and this already in the plan then he best be very careful. Maybe back out of the whole thing. Sounds like a money grabber to me getting all this settled before a wedding after so short an aquaintance. I think you probably feel the same thing. Helen

Anonymous said...

Try chocolate...if the wine doesn't work, chocolate SHOULD!

I hope your weekend went O.K.

Good luck with the "Dad/wedding" situation.  Wanna trade him for my mother-in-law?!