Sunday, August 17, 2008

The good news this weekend is I filled Rusty (my truck) up to the tune of $3.35 yesterday. First time my gas bill has been under $40 in a while. Thanks Dubya for suggesting home drillin! Also saw a lot of people pulling their boats down to the river for a change. We've not seen a lot of that around here this year.

School, you ask?  Let's not talk about it right now. It's going along. Maybe everything will fall into place really soon.....  I will not whine about it. It has to get better.

Cousin and her husband stopped by this morning. They have a friend that moved from Indiana down to Alabama because she married someone. We all had breakfast together and a wonderful visit! Y'all come back now, ya hear??

BTW, word on the street is my dad is thinking about getting married. He phoned me other evening and asked if he and I could have dinner together on Thursday night. Added he had something to talk to me about. I think he's already talked to other folks about it. Namely, cousin and her husband. I do know the girlfriend and Dad have talked about. He isn't wasting time. I think they've been dating about 3 weeks now. I'll keep you posted.



Anonymous said...

WTG in the gas department. It's gone down here as well. You may have to have a heart to heart talk with your Dad. Tell him to try "living in sin" for awhile before the anchor gets dropped on him. Been there, done that.


Anonymous said...

Wow that was quick marriage talking after only 3 weeks...Gas is down in NY too, not as low as yours, it's $3.67 a gallon. Hope things sort themselves out with school dear friend. (Hugs)Indigo