Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today is the seventh anniversary of the 9-11 event that causes us all to take a moment to pause and reflect upon one of the worst cases of terrorism the world has seen. Whenever I think about that day, the first thing that pops into my mind is my friend Jimmy, who writes StupidSheetGuy. He actually experienced and survived that day. He also has a friend who's daughter was aboard Flight 93 that crashed the same day. He has created a tribute to that fateful time. J-Land Remembers...

Today, we have all (probably) seen the pictures from that day, pictures that will be in our minds whenever we think of the tragedy.This past summer I made the thousand mile trip up to NYC and saw Ground Zero seven years (almost) later for myself.

Big difference, huh? Construction continues on a 24/7 basis.

This is where the new memorial will stand when completed. (Where the yellow machines rest in the photo.)


This orb was originally on the WTC Plaza. It is in the original condition found after 9/11 and is now located in Battery Park. In the lower left corner is an eternal flame that burns in remembrance.


Lady Liberty still holds her torch for Americans.

The date in the corner is wrong. It is supposed to be 6/4/08.


Anonymous said...

Have you had the opportunity to visit the sight, ground zero I mean.  I pass it at least two times a week and the sight is much more than any picture could display.  I lost friends that day and will never be able to put it out of my mind.  Hit close to home.

Anonymous said...

I'll just never forget...nice tribute.

Anonymous said...

A fine tribute! It's a day we'll all remember.
