Friday, January 4, 2008

Dreams: The Arms of Love

It is interesting how our dreams can influence us mentally. Upon awakening, they can leave you in a sense of contentment, panic, happiness or sometimes, nothing different. This morning's dream had a therapeutic affect upon me. I dreamed about my Mom and it was one that I have needed for some time now. 

Without going into details, I did find one thing very interesting. In my dream, Mother was there with me being aware she had passed. We talked about many things that have lain heavy on my heart.  While we chatted, my Dad walked and had a conversation with me. As aware as I was of Mother's presence, Dad obviously had none. After he left, Mother turned to me and said something I've heard her say hundreds of times, "Well, that's your Daddy!"   

Also, just a note to cousin Gary: Thanks for your e-mail! I think it helped prepare me by laying a foundation of positive feelings and better acceptance. Carson would have been proud!


Anonymous said...

It's nice when you dream pleasant dreams about a loved one who has passed on before. Not so good when it is an upsetting dream. I do tend to think of each kind of dream for several days. Helen

Anonymous said...

I know that there is some real peace and contentment to be derived from a dream like that. I believe our dreams really do offer us messages and are generally not a random assortment of thoughts, so your mind seems to be at peace with things the way they are. At the same time, I think that the message is to allow everyone to deal with things in his or her own way. Inner peace comes from within, and no one can give it to you. It's a matter of accepting that you've done your best, loved the most, and can be satisfied with the results.

Good for you. That dream probably did wonders for you.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't say anything more (or better) than what Jimmy said.   It was perfect.


Anonymous said...

I have had dreams lately about both my parents. The amazing thing is that none of their infirmities or ailments were present in my dreams. I'm not sure what that means, but wherever they are, I'm betting they're just fine.


Anonymous said...

You never can tell who will be touched by what you say today.
Have a good one! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think our subconcience pays alot into what we dream. Sleep well my dear ;)