Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Wedding Church - Part 2

Mother looked at both Cousin M and me, then motioned for us to leave with her. She poked dad on the arm, but he didn't pay any attention to her. Mother, Cousins M and A, Charlie and myself left. It was a relief to leave and get some fresh air. The incense had been overwhelming.

With all of us in tow, Mother went to the building next to the church we had just left. She was met by a woman of no distinct position and was then lead to another room. Curious, we followed closely behind. In the room, Mom walked up to a bulletin board, placed a name card with my dad's name on top of a business card with the name of the church we had just left. She then pierced both cards with a pin. With that, she was done.

Outside, we gathered into a small group. With questions filling our heads, the temptation to ask them was blocked by the desire to allow Mother to do the deeds she felt obligated to do. We trudged on to the next building and it was the same as before. After that, we went from building to building, Mother piercing only the business cards from the church with Dad's name card on top. It had almost a revengeful act with a sense of a voodoo twist to it. But, we knew enough to know better than to question her antics.

Afterward, we found a resting place under a tree. Mother seemed exhausted and glad for the rest. Mother then looked at all of us, but then focused on me. She explained to me she knew I was curious about her actions, but she needed to do those acts in order to protect my dad from becoming immersed in things that he had no understanding. She continued to tell me she knew at some point I would have the understanding I needed in order to continue. I just nodded in agreement and told her I have better understanding now than before. I hugged her and Charlie...... then they were gone....

The End


Anonymous said...

Wow...if this was a dream, it was some dream!    It's full of symbols....very interesting!    
If it wasn't a dream, that's crazy, man!  lol

Anonymous said...

ok i am so lost lol it was a dream? have a good week


Anonymous said...

How ironic, we both go to the same church. I just got back from Bora Bora and I rode over on my riding lawn mower. I was the guy in the Zorro out fit.


Anonymous said...

I loved Jimmy's comment!!  Whew girl, those must have been some good drugs you took before you went to sleep!  I've had crazy dreams, but nothin' quite like this!!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating visit from folks who have passed.  Sure makes you wonder.  Well, when the understanding comes, it will be a blessing.