The dreaded Thursday Parent-Teacher Conference Day 2007 has come to an end. I don't know why I dread it each year. So far, it has never been terrible. I think one of the reasons has been because of the full moon this week. I've certainly felt it...
Homecoming week/game: We are having 2 pep rallies tomorrow. One, because our school won the "Pep Rally of the Week" with one of the local television stations. The other is something traditional. We go up to the football field where the homecoming half-time show is practiced and the whole school can watch. Always a great way to end homecoming week.
And then.... the weekend.. aaaawww... yes...
The class was gathered together for a combined class. The other teacher was reviewing animal traits and species during science. He thought since our farm field trip is next week, he would discuss farm animals. After asking several students to verbally describe a few of the animals found on the farm, he asks another student for the description of a cow. With an air of disgust, the student replies, "Do I have to get on the floor?" It took a few seconds for the teachers to regain control of themselves!
And now, for your listening pleasure, something from my high school days.....