Monday, July 30, 2007

Yes, I'm listening to the Bozo CD... I'm sure it's a hit with everyone...<grin>

OK, it's one of those kind of purchases you can't resist, after all, it was only $2.00... Besides, it has Tony Danza (singing 'A Couple of Clowns Like Us') and William Shatner (singing, "What is a Bozo?").  There are other hits such as "How Many Clowns Can You Cram in a Car?" and "Ballad of Bozo"!!

Ok... Charlie and I used to watch Bozo together in the mornings sometimes.... He would have loved this CD! 

Besides, you deserved a day with two entries... 

I got the following quote in an e-mail. Although timely, I had to stop and consider how appropriate it is at the present. I know war means deaths in the trenches, as I know there are all kinds of views on the Iraq war.  Think about how you might feel if it were someone you know...  ... just something I wanted to share...

"It doesn't require any particular bravery to stand on the floor of the Senate and urge our boys in Vietnam to fight harder, and if this war mushrooms into a major conflict and a hundred thousand young Americans are killed, it won't be U. S. Senators who die. It will be American soldiers who are too young to qualify for the senate."  G.M.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Television: Now and Then

I was reading a fellow J-land journal and began making comments that I eventually deleted because I thought the comments would make a rather better journal entry. I've been negligent in making journal entries this summer. When school was in, I remember thinking, 'I can't wait till summer!! I'll make entries almost every day!' Nope, didn't happen. 

The subject was remembering when Kennedy was shot. I remember watching the funeral on a neighbor's television because, at that time, we did not have one. I don't remember when Dad and Mom did finally get one. I do think it was shortly after that (You have to remember, I was a mere tot. <grin>)

At this point, you may be asking yourself whatever did we do with all our free time if we didn't have a television? My mom used to take me places such as the library and to the city park. I do remember going both of those places with her. I don't remember going any where with my father except to church on Sundays, and of course, Mother was with us as well. At that time, there were no stores open on Sunday. There were only a few restaurants open and you had better put gas in your car by Saturday night if you getting low because very few gas stations were open. However, I digress...

I remember a few summers when we did not have television. That was the time when I learned to read for pleasure. What a concept! Schools are going bonkers to get kids interested in reading. Why should they when there are so many other ways to be entertained. With televisions, computers, MP3 players, travel DVD players, and other assorted technology available, why would you want to read? It doesn't 'do' anything and you have to put forth a little effort if you don't understand the meaning of a word.

Although I have a few televisions placed around the house, I still prefer to read a novel of choice. It calms me. It takes me 'away' from the stresses of life. Perhaps, I am one of few that can skip television for other pleasures. I wonder........

I wonder:  Do parents still read to their kids?  Do parents limit their TV-Computer-DVD-time?  Do parents take their kids to the library on Saturdays?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

I just got home a little earlier. I know many of you were surprised to hear about the surgery. So was I. Here's how it went...

Monday morning, doctor appt with surgeon. On the way, I bargained with myself. If he still thinks I need surgery, I'll do it if he can do it this week. Otherwise, no way.

SSSSoooo....There was no real improvement since last visit. (Actually, I had a couple of set-backs, but he didn't know that). He said the decision was up to me. So, I asked the deciding factor question. When can you do it if I say yes? His answer?  In the morning. (This is where my eyes are popping out of my head and mouth is dropping to the floor..) Some how, I manage to say that would be fine. And it starts. Medical mall, for blood work, ekg, etc.... pick up MRI films, home to pack stuff and then over to my dad's house for the night.  Surgery @ 7:30 AM and home just after 5:00 PM. Walking and everything.

Amazing isn't it??

Thanks for all the sweet thoughts and prayers.... I do appreciate it!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

And life goes on....

Back Surgery.

Yeah, I had it on Tuesday.

Better?  maybe... I'm sore in some of the strangest places. I don't feet the tug of the nerve anymore.

Not home... spending a few days at my Dad's house, but should be home by Sunday afternoon. I hope!


Monday, July 16, 2007

AAaaaawwww, Monday! AAAaaaaaaaaaaawwww, mid-July already?  Geezzz... just yesterday it was only June!  In just a few (even shorter) weeks, it'll be Aug 6 and the kids will be getting off the school buses. Hard to believe!

Today's entry by blog-buddy, Jimmy, down in FL, tells his version of 'Marriage the Jimmy Way.' I, too, have a marriage tale. I was married about 5 minutes. (well, not really, but out of the whole scheme of life, yeah...). It was just long enough to get pregnant and to find out even though ex liked to 'dress' me in black & blue. I highly disagreed. Hence, five minutes later, divorced. Sometimes, but not often, someone will tell me about seeing ex. My response? Dang, you mean he is still alive?  Ok, that's the Reader's Digest version and also, a much more cheerful version.

Just a couple of fashion tips from someone who is not on the fashion police force. I may speak out of turn, but I think it's worth mentioning. First of all, never, never wear bright colored underwear under a white outfit. Especially if you are very tan or a person of color. Second, if you are wearing something that somewhat favors overalls, please wear a shirt with them. Especially if you are a woman and not at the nude beach!

You guys have a good week!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Holy Cow! We have a bloom!

I just wanted to share a few pictures with you today. I couldn't believe I finally got a bloom from the sunflower seeds I planted. The seed package said mammoth sized. It is wrong.... I'd just call them, well, small. Even so, I'm glad to see they have finally decided to start popping out!

I had to go to Yuppieville to see the chiropractor this morning and on the way back home, I made this little picture of the Tennessee River as I drove over the big bridge on hwy, 65. It really doesn't show the magnitude of it. But hey, what do you expect when one is driving and making pictures at the same time??  <grin>

Dad came out to my house for 4th of July. After we ate, I tried to get him to go to a party I had been invited to, but he wouldn't go for it. He misses my Mom a lot (as do I), but he now has a lady friend. He keeps telling me no one will ever take my mom's place. I have to wonder who he is trying to convince??  I knew at some point he would find someone. I think sometimes, himself.....

The next two pictures are of projects the kids at school build and paint to help fund our classroom program. I love these two things I have. One is a butterfly house I had given to my mom for Mother's Day last year.  On the back, it says, 'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine'. One of my younger cousins used to sing that song to her when he was little. I found it sitting on the 'ready to sell' shelf and knew this would be something my Mom would get a kick out of.  The other is a blue bird house.

For all you non-bama folk  out there, War Eagle is Auburn University. Rival of Alabama University. When football season starts down here, everyone will already be looking forward to the Iron Bowl. Auburn has won it the last 5 years in a row.  This past year, we got the thumb!