Monday, July 24, 2006

Sleepless in Bama

Yep, you got it... Not sleeping.  Not a good thing.  Not gonna be purty tomorrow.  Yes, I yawn, crave sleep, and lay there.  Turn on the tv and put it on sleep-timer (the thing that almost guarantees sleep... thank goodness for the word 'almost') and nothing....  Pillow 

Since I'm here....  today was a wonderful day!  Yesterday it stormed most of the day and the temps went from 105 in the shade to 80ish both Saturday and Sunday!  I got out today and drove with the windows down... what a feeling!!  Makes me wish I had a motorcycle....  Harley Woman 

Yesterday during the storms, I watched a show on the Biography channel (yes, one of my favorites) about psych investigators.  On the show when a murder case goes 'cold' and one of the cops calls in someone with powers to 'read' the scene....   It seems so real and i guess they can turn the story to make it seem so real....  But you know, every time I watch something like that I have to think that if it were so real, why wouldn't every police force have one?  And why don't they have one come out for Jon Bennett or Nicole Simpson?     There is nothing I would like any better to communicate with a few people on 'the other side' myself...  Gossip 

So, the question for this entry (you knew there would be one, didn't you?? LOL)... is:  What is your opinion?  Are there people that can really communicate with people that have  passed?       Chatty 2    

Until next time....    


Anonymous said...

My opinion,

I don't know everything.  In fact, hardly anything.  So I wouldn't doubt if there are real people out there with real powers doing real things.

But the mediums like John Edwards (I think that's his name) and van Praag... well, let me put it this way.  My wife used to do this gypsy palm reader character at parties.  She would dress all goofy, way too much hair spray and beads, and speak with a Transylvanian accent straight from a wolf man movie.  And she had jokes, too, corny ones.  She was really entertaining, and really popular.

But she actually learned palm reading.  And for a crash course, she found a couple books on something called "cold reading."  It is the technique on how to look at someone who is a total stranger, and tell things about their personal lives only from little clues on their person, and from the other little clues that they give you when they react to your guesses.  You know, like when they have a red mark around their third finger, that they were recently divorced.  Stuff like that, only much more clever, and much more devious.

Anonymous said...

The really frightening part is that no matter how silly my wife acted on those palm reader jobs, and how much she would give advice to take everything she says with a grain of salt, people always always would get really intense and emotional around her.  Asking her whether to divorce their spouses, what to do with writing a will, all kinds of family and business matters like that.

She is out of that business.  Too creepy.

Sorry I went on so long here!  You stay cool down there.


Anonymous said...

And once you guess something about someone -- and you can have a horrible batting average on this, too, like getting only one out of every 10 guesses correct, because they TRULY want to believe you and will focus in on your correct guesses and disregard all your wild ones -- then you have found an exposed thread.  Then you keep pulling on that thread, and they will give you plenty of hints at which way to go by their reactions.

When she was researching this, she and a friend of mine both visited psychics.  They each made sure to give away absolutely no reactions -- total poker face.  And it is funny that when you do that, and don't budge an inch, the psychics have nowhere to go.  Then after a while, they would start reacting to certain questions, and lead the psychics in a totally different and wrong direction.

I have heard other people talk about cold reading too, since then, and it is really amazing how much you can do with this.  It is a true art, but a deceptive one.  Sort of like Sherlock Holmes, except he is going to relieve you of all the money in your wallet.

Anonymous said...

I think that the dead cannot communicate...they're DEAD, you know.  And if, just IF, you could...what would  you want to know?  What form to the dead take after death?  What they were most recently before they died? An earlier ideal one... a mystical one?  What can they explain to the living, about being dead?  Do they watch the living?  Why?  
  As for Edwards...fake and obviously fake.  What person watches him except to enjoy his fakery.
  I haven' seen a good mind reading act in a long time... would enjoy one.  Tell the TV producers you know.   Chuck wants a good mind reading act.  Not Ctreskin... a good mind reader.