Saturday, July 1, 2006

What Rights Would You Fight For?

I have been looking through a catalog from Sgt. Grit Marine Specialties ( catalog this morning.  Included in the usual paraphernalia is a section with bumper stickers. There are the usual Marines are better type of sayings, but there was one that caught my eye.  It says, "You only have the rights you are willing to fight for."  It stopped me right there.  I began to ask myself which rights am I willing to fight for?  If  you are like me, you take all of the rights our country has put into commission for granted.  I enjoy being able to do, say, go, observe whatever I wish within my own limits and desires for the most part. Yes, I would fight to keep these rights if put to the test!  Are you willing to fight for what you already have?  What rights would you fight for?

The Declaration of Independence Art Print

Semper Fi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jackie, yes, you are right.  We live a comfortable life here, don't we, and it becomes easy to forget how good we've got it.  But I tell you, those men and women serving overseas fill me with awe.  We've got to be thankful for them, and for so many thousands who have gone before them.

July 4th means more to me every year.

Hope yours was a good one.  And good luck with the move -- be brave!
