Just taking a little time from 'working under pressure' to say hello to everyone. Also, have tv on, but turned way down with Andy Griffith show in background. As you might know, Don Knotts passed away last weekend and they are having a marathon tribute to him on TV Land. I don't have to really watch them to know what is going on. I can almost say them line by line.
Working under pressure, you might ask yourself? Yes, that's me... I seem to kick in and get the job done when I've procrastinated the allowed allotted amount of time and then realize I better get it going since it's due tomorrow afternoon. So, what do I do? I think this is the perfect time to make a journal entry. Oh well...
Just a bit of news about what's been going on in my life this week. My mom had a pacemaker put in on Tuesday. She is doing so MUCH better since having it!! She is almost back to her most normal self.

They are going to do a c-scan this week, though because they saw a 'shadow' on an x-ray from last week. No clue what that means.... We had an interesting time in the waiting room. My dad, of course, was with my mom until they to<SPAN class=spell id=sp-1 title="No spelling suggestions" style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BACKGROUND-POSITION: left bottom; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://sdk.webmail.aol.com/sdk/20050527/images/bg_spellingErr.gif); PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: black; PADDING-TOP: 2px; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" _backupTitle="null"> her to surgery. The minister, mom's friend, Ruth, and another man from their church were there. Then, my ex-boyfriend stepped off the elevator. We actually get along ok. My dad came out when they took mom to surgery and was surprised to see him there, but was ok with it. Then, my cousin stepped off the elevator. Then the 'party' started!! The conversation ranged from shoes to politics. All interesting stuff.... In the middle of it, my ex left (and rather abruptly, I thought). Later after it was just my dad, cousin and myself, Daddy told us my ex and the other man from their church know each other and apparently, they don't care for one another. How funny, I thought each one of them knowing my parents....
Monday begins IEP 'season' for me. In fact, the IEP meeting I am having tomorrow afternoon may be cancelled due to a fire that totally destroyed this kid's home yesterday. I can't say this is a good way to begin the season... for him, or me... I've had a couple of calls about it today. The family never had much, but they were buying (or had bought) this place. Now, it's all gone. I think we are going to take donations for them. Perhaps a food and clothing drive. Not sure about the IEP thing. Total meetings for this week: 3

Thursday and Friday this week, I am traveling to Tuscaloosa for Special Olympic Basketball State Tournament. We have a few strong guys on the team and should do fairly well. These kids are fun to watch... Should be a fun time. Back on Friday night... then, on Saturday, I have been invited to a Pampered Chef party at my friend Pam's house and to the baby shower for one of the peer tutors that comes to our room. She is going to have twins, a boy and a girl.... and at 18 years old.... Oh well...
I'm almost 30 years older than her (ok, no comments here....) and wouldn't trade places with her for anything!! LOL Just thinking about having 2 babies at the same time is scary for me now. Perhaps being younger has some advantages?
Well, guess I'll get back to it.... Hope you guys have a great week!!
Sounds like you are going to have a fun filled week. Enjoy your parties.
IEP season - oh man. As an ex-teacher I know how draining that can be!!! Hang in there!
We just about know all the Andy Griffith episodes by heart here, too. Ole Boy watches them just about every day, and has all the black and white seasons on DVD and tape! lol
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