Thursday, February 26, 2009

Parenting Day

Yep, it's parenting day here at school.

I've never really decided exactly what that means.

Well.... actually, I have, but it never works as exactly as it was designed to work.

It is actually for parents to come to school to see why their little gen ed darlin's are making all F's or I's because they (parents) have asked them (students) if they have finished homework. Yes, of course they have. It's 10:15 on a school night and the family just got in from a ___________ (you fill in the blank with whatever activity goes with the season). Ok. I know. It's just my POV. But, just please remember, this is probably the only time the parents and teachers communicate. If the parents show up. Maybe.


Down here (ok, it may sound a little derogatory, but we are located on the very south side of the school and it's a great area!), I communicate with my parents every week. IEP season has it's big kick-off next week and the assessments for my 11th graders begin the next week. We communicate all the time. And a great number of parents usually come. And the conversation goes a little like this:
ME: HI! It's good to see you again Mr./Mrs. ___________! What did you have on your mind today?
PARENTS: I'm just here because that paper said to come. Isn't this a meeting?
ME: Yes, it is for parents to express their concerns. What concern did you have for (student)?
PARENTS: No concern. I thought you wanted to see me.
ME: Everything is great! I'll be sending home a purposed meeting notice very soon for that yearly IEP!

This time, I nipped it in the bud. I got in touch with parents and asked what concerns they had in order for me to be prepared to answer their questions. I got most of them cancelled! They don't call me a special ed teacher for nothing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine who is a teacher says some parents come in all apologetic, as if they are going to be berated about their child's behavior. I never imagined that at all. And he does keep in close contact, via phone & email with parents also. You are one smart cookie. ~Mary