Monday, October 20, 2008

It's a New Day!

Back in late spring, a couple, young and married just a little over a year, were expecting their first child. He was due in July. However, as babies often do, he decided to come about three weeks early. Due to complications no one expected, least of the doctors, Jesse was born with so many complications he was rushed to different hospital. Two days later, he passed away. Jesse still lives in the hearts of his young parents and grandparents. These people became good and close friends to me since moving to this community five years ago. My heart was so broken for them all!

Anna, Jesse's mom, wanted to let people know how important Jesse was to them and how thankful this family was for those two days with their baby. Anna found a website where she can let this be known and is asking for help in purchasing another piece of the same equipment that allowed them to have those two days.

As many of my regular readers know, I usually don't post these types of requests because you get them as well as I do in the form of spam e-mails that snopes will tell you in a heartbeat isn't true. However, this one is true.

Here is the link to read a little more about Jesse.
Online Lifeline : Huntsville Hospital System

Thanks to all who read about him!! If you are so inclined to make a donation, I do appreciate it!


1 comment:

Jimmy's Journal said...

Your the best, Jacks !
