Hi Everyone!
It's been awhile since I posted anything, but just wanted to let you know everything is great! Just before school was out for the Thanksgiving holiday, at 3:30 in fact, I found out the Special Olympic Volleyball Tournament was this week. NOT next week as I had thought. On Monday, I had to scramble around and send out letters to the parents of the 10 boys that were going, make arrangements for my sub (thanx Sue!), get everything in line for the kids that were not going.... well, I could go on all day, but what's the point? I had lots of stuff to do.
We left yesterday morning (just after I got my flu shot) at around 10:00 in 76 degree weather. Stop one: Taco Bell for lunch. Stop two: Wood and Wind (We were early, so took the guys to a hunting/fishing place. Really cool with real stuffed animals, like bear, cougars, elk, deer). To bad I didn't have time to look all I wanted.) Stop three: motel. Stop four: O'Charley's. And then survived the wierd weather (actually had tornado not far from us).
Enough about yesterday.
Today, the guys played 6 games, won 5, lost 1. They got 1st PLACE!!!! Way to go!!
Tired and exhausted, we arrived back at school about 2:45 in 39 degree weather. The kids that were left at school left lots of congratulations for the players. It was worth the trip just to see the faces of our winners!
Every minute of effort you expended was worth it for the faces of those kids. Although I really got tired thinking about all the work you did, I still have enough strength left to throw a little applause your way.
Can I go to Wood and Wind sometime?
You're very welcome, I enjoy subbing for you! The posters that the classmates left for your "winners" were terrific! Great bunch of kids. Great teachers! Good job Jackie!
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