Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year Resolutions

Here we are at the end of another year! On the way home from visiting my cousin yesterday, I thought about how people are always making their resolutions. The first week or two usually we are working at them, but slowly fall back into the same ole routines. Habits? Lifestyles? Lack of dedication? Yes, yes, and yes.  Hey, I've been there....  Perhaps too, the bar is set to high for us to achieve. Given that with the previous mentioned factors, we are all set up for failure. 

What to do?

At first, I thought I would just ignore the whole resolution thing. Then I decided to bring the bar down and make reasonable resolutions. And I have. Here we go:

1. I will have my oil changed on time.

2. I will have my tires rotated more often.

3. I will wash my car more often. (OK, I know that is 3 car things in a row, but you have to remember I was in the car when I made this list.)

4. I will be more out-going.

5. I will read more current novels.

6. I will not repeat myself so often.

7. I will try to eat more fiber.

8. I will look for a toe ring that does not come off so easily and disappear.

9. I will not repeat myself so often.

10. I will work harder at making the circle thing in the front yard a flower bed this year.

Ok, that's it.  I make no promises on any of them, but for the first week or so in 2007, I will be making an effort!! 

Thanks to all who read my journal!  There are wonderful readers out here in J-land and I've come to know a few of you rather well. Thank you for both being a part of my world and letting me glimpse into yours! I hope 2007 will be a wonderful year!         

Be safe tonight if you're partying!          



Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I have short term memory loss reading resolution lists or I would swear you're repeating yourself. <grin> Have a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I made a resolution or two, but here at Jan 5, I have forgotten what they were.  I guess I will let the year "unfold".  
I just consider myself lucky to be at 2007.  We sort of "script" our lives.  we tell ourselves what we would like to do at each stage....
I always planned to make it to see the years come that started with 20... to reach the 21st century.  Well, I made it, but than had no script beyond that.  Here I am, directionless.  No direction, no resolution.  
What about your long term find a new career, or new aspect to career you have... how is that going?