Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Reflecting on the road taken

 Question of the day:

     If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be AND
would you?

     The question reminds me of Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken."  So many times I wonder what life would have been like if I had not gone down the other road.  Would I have been better off financially or emotionally?  Would I have more friends or better friendships than the ones I have now?  Would I have ever met the people I call friends? 

     It sounds as if I am dissatisfied with my life.  I'm not.  There are a couple of things I wish I could change about it.  Fortunately, I am extremely happy with my choices.  One of my professors once said, "The decisions you make between the ages of 15 and 25 will be with you for the rest of your life."  It is so true.  Not that I am happy with some of those decisions, but I feel I have turned the consequences into a better life for myself. 

     For all of you who are a part of my life, and to those who have passed from this world, I thank you.  I love you dearly.  You mean so much to me!

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