Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rest in Peace

I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge one of the students from the school where I teach. Although not in my classroom, I have come to know her and admire her during this school year. In brief, here is a version of her story.

The week school began, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. It was removed and she began chemo. Around November, the cancer returned and this woman made a difficult decision.... she stopped with her treatments. Just a couple of weeks ago, she returned home in the care of hospice.She knew her time was limited. But all through this school year, she had one main goal. To graduate from high school.... and she did on Friday in a hospital about 70 miles away.

She died the next day.


Anonymous said...

She was a brave person to make that decision.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jack(for a reason you well know) this has me in tears. I am glad you posted it though. Peace. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

God bless her. Sometimes we all tend to think we have problems until we see some of the real problems in life. Nice of you to remember her.


Anonymous said...

She was a brave person. My condolonces go out to her family and friends. May God give them peace. Helen

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jackie for sharing. Our world needs real stories of real heroes. May she rest in Valhalla.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anonymous said...

so glad she got to graduate:) thank you for sharing


Anonymous said...

What a humbling story yet an encouraging one too.  I am so glad that she made her wish come true.  That must have made her the happiest woman on earth and now in heaven.
God Bless her.
Thanks for sharing this story Jackie.  It was inspirational.

Jeanie xx

Anonymous said...

I saw this on the news.   Just makes you proud and breaks your heart at the same time, doesn't it?