Saturday, April 22, 2006

Common Items-Answer

I can see all of you are waiting with baited breath for the answer about the common items.  The picture was only a sample of items that could be included!  The answer to the question of what these items have in common is:  These items have changed very little in the past 47+ years.  It's as simple as that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... us.   Let's see.  what else?  Legal envelope stays the same but the postage stamp does not.  Paring knife stays the same, but the vegetable peeler doesn't.  Try to find one of the 47 year old design...and you can't.  Not long ago I wrote a friend on a 76 year old typewriter.  I asked if his word processor would be doing as well in the year 2063.
  I rented a house in Missouri and in the basement was a working 50 year old dial phone.  I found it useful when the power went out and the pushbutton phone upstairs was useless.
  My friend flies his 1946 Ercoupe regularly. It was two years old when he was born.