Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Update...Told you there would be one!

Ok... Thanks for 'reading' all the whining and stuff from yesterday's entry.  Like Scarlet said, "After all, tomorrow is another day."  Yes, Scarlet, there is a tomorrow!! 


I received the textbook courtesy of my UPS woman, the university bookstore and the 'pay out the ying-yang fee' for next day delivery service. 

I received an "it's ok, but you still have to do the classroom requirements and the bullsh*t I want you to do" from the professor for missing the online orientation. (No word yet on the number of shoes to be spit-shine to perfection.....)  That's ok.. I'm a state employee.  I can spit-shine with the best of 'em. 

The pain is leaving little-by-little as time goes on.  Tomorrow marks a week and each day is different.  It was nothing serious and hopefully will help to be able to detect if ever there is something that is serious. 

I am loving not being on a schedule this week.  I have done a little of this, a little of that, a nap here, a visitor there.... it's been wonderful!!     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said  It was nothing serious
Are you kidding?  
You're a hero to be back on schedule so soon.